Colour & Trend 2021-22

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The Woven Image colour palette underpins one of our core values of striving for design leadership, driven by our commitment to recognising the evolution of colour for commercial interior finishes.

Annually, we update our colour and trend palettes to reflect global appeal, with a contemporary approach encompassing fashion, objects, nature, art, architecture, social media and cultural nuances. We strive to provide a forecast that recognises our Australian heritage, whilst appealing to our immediate neighbours as well as the European and North American markets.

This year we have three dynamic colour and trend stories:

  1. Wholesome Haven
  2. Bright Future
  3. Lunar Orbits

The evolving workplace, under the current global pandemic, has brought about a re-imagining of how spaces function and how we interact as human beings. This in turn has created a more detailed and careful focus on providing the optimum environment for task oriented duties, as well as calm areas for contemplation. Colour and texture greatly influence these experiences and our palettes reflect these changing circumstances. Strong references to the blurring of boundaries between the domestic homely comforts to the more traditional rigidity of the office environment has evolved, along with the role of the natural environment and ecologically sustainable solutions.

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Wholesome Haven embraces nature with an earthy focus of cinnamon and ochre hues evolving into a recognition of warm olive into 2022. Comfort, warmth and a sense of ‘hygge’ are influenced by softly sculptured textures and shapes derived from shells, corals, ripples, waves and sand dunes. Accents of peachy blush, creamy seeds and grains along with the elegance of jade provide a series of complimentary mid-tones. With the move to ethical biomaterials, plant based considerations, re-use and recycle, this colour palette strives to embrace a new contemporary approach to Mother Earth.

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Bright Future builds on the grounding of Wholesome Haven with the positive energy of empowerment and self-expression for future endeavours. Playful graphic patterns referencing circles, arcs, zig zag elements influenced by a fusion of 70s retro and intricate mandalas determine this palette of happy colours. Ochre and sandy hues envelop springtime blossoming lavenders and orchid tones, whilst pops of vibrant magenta and mandarin evoke a sense of energy and vigour.

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Lunar Orbits salutes the celestial golden hour with a colour palette of moody reflections and dusky hues. 2022 sees a move to embracing a lightening of this palette with mid-tone sage and aqua coming to the fore. Midnight slate remains and becomes off-set with electric and indigo blues, reminiscent of moonlit luminous patinas and mother of pearl. Large scale patterns of pulsing linework in both vertical indentations, as well as art deco themes influence this story.

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Colour Harmonies