Woven Image plants 2500 trees with Greenfleet

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Woven Image continues to be unequivocally dedicated to sustainability through initiatives on product stewardship, climate leadership and social responsibility. 

Planting trees in partnership with Greenfleet is part of our wider commitment to the environment. It is one of many schemes that enable us to offset our unavoidable impacts, while making a real contribution to our local communities. 

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In 2023, the combined efforts of the Woven Image New South Wales and Victorian teams resulted in an amazing 2 500 newly planted trees. These were planted at the Bonna Point Reserve in Sydney, located on the lands of the Dharawal people and in Glendalough in Melbourne, located on the lands of the Boon Wurrung People. 

This brings our total efforts since 2017, to over 10 099 trees planted. 

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The New South Wales team were also delighted to see the immense progress in the Bonna Point Reserve from their efforts the year prior. Every new tree helps our planet by absorbing carbon dioxide and providing oxygen, improving air quality in local areas. These new trees also contribute to the restoration of degraded areas, improving soil and water quality, increasing biodiversity and providing habitats for wildlife. We take much delight in supporting cleaner waterways, air and land through projects like tree planting.

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Thanks to our partnership with Greenfleet we have contributed to an enormous positive impact for the communities and country. In 25 years of non-for-profit service since 1997, Greenfleet, with its supporters, have planted over 10 million trees, creating over 550 native biodiverse forests and restoring 10 000 ha. to native Australian ecosystems. This has offset over 4.4 million tonnes of carbon. The efforts of the past year alone, now mean that 448 000 tonnes of carbon dioxode equivalent (CO²-e) will be sequestered. This equates to removing 104 000 cars from the roads for a whole year, or offsetting the CO²-e of around 33 000 households.

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Another fundamental commitment to the environment is found in our product stewardship. EchoPanel® is made from 60% recycled post-consumer plastics, a figure that we are currently working hard to increase. As of July 2023, the equivalent of 319 million 600ml plastic bottles have been recycled to create our range of interior acoustic panels, ceiling baffles, tiles, workstation screens and other acoustic finishes.


Our use of grid energy is another method we utilize in reducing our carbon impact. Since December 2019 to July 2023, Woven Image has produced 407 MWh of solar energy – that is sufficient energy to use a laptop for 1 987 years. A further 99.9kW solar array installation was added in December 2022 and another 100kW installation in June 2023. From this we anticipate that our solar production will double. 

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Continually auditing our supply chain also enables us to support the planet and end-user wellbeing. This is achieved through stringent compliance under independently verified organisations including a partnership with International Living Future Institute, Global GreenTag™ and Australiana EPD. This allows our products to be specified in good conscience, in projects around the world.