Trend Spotlight - Vertical linework

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Influenced by the strong architectural trend for detailed linework, vertical surfaces undergo a revival by providing a strong textural influence within a space.

Classic plaster & timber surfaces are re-shaped, trimmed and formed. Our Embossed and Printed Panel Collections follow this trend with the added benefit of acoustic performance, a dominant requirement within commercial spaces, to combat hard surface reverberation. Our corrugated 3D wall tile Ascent allows for higher performing acoustic results with the addition of an infill.

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This three-dimensional, vertical trend is particularly influenced by traditional wood panelling, evoking a sense of connection with nature. Wooden stripes and dowelling are given a contemporary, architectural design feel for feature walls as well as room division and ceiling baffles. Delicate heat-set pleated tuilles and transparent textiles are transformed into commercial drapery solutions, contributing to an atmosphere of tranquillity.

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Line-weight and depth varies through the use of print, colour combinations as well as precision cuts and thermoformed surfaces. Subtle, wave-like ripple effects are created via our Embossed Panel solution called Zen, as well as our printed panel EchoPanel® Frequencya strobing intermittent play on vertical linework. Sophisticated pinstripe effects are featured on the printed designs of EchoPanel® Trapeze. A two-tone result is created by varying base panel colours as well as the colour of pigments used in opposing directions. Precision cut EchoPanel® Longitude mimics the vertical wooden panelling effect from the 70s era along with EchoPanel® Empire introducing an art deco curved feature, providing a carved three-dimensional textural effect.

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